Basic rules of online chatting and making friends

 In old days people used to meet at school, office, playground, dinar table and this is only the way to communicate with each other. But this time is of virtual world where people not only meet their friends, neighbor but also with whole of the world. Now social media is an important way to get knowledge and for conversation. Welcome to the world of chat and social media. Communicating in cyberspace is already a way of life for lots of people, but some of my friends also new in the social sites and chat online is uncomfortable to them.

I am sure after reading this article you feel comfortable and ready for chatting world. See how easy it is to start a conversation and make new friends.

Basic rules of Online Chatting
For good online chatting, many rules defined by professionals. Here I am telling you some of these rules that will improve your chat to strangers, friends, relatives, acquaintances, and business contacts. They will help you avoid the most common mistakes that newcomers to the Internet make when they use Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Whatsup.

1.)  Promptly respond of Message
An unanswered message, like an unreturned telephone call, leaves people feeling ignored and irritated. To avoid this check your inbox daily and send responses within a few days to those who have contacted you. You don't need to respond to unsolicited messages (also known as spam). If you don`t have a time for full response, at least acknowledge him that you received the message and promise to write more soon.

2.)  Never Message That You Would not Want your Mother, Your Boss, or the Rest of the World to Read
Never used any chip and irritated words to other. Imagine how you would feel if your message showed up in someone else's mailbox or on the Internet with your e-mail ID and name attached as its original sender. So don't forget the e-mail and message you send and receive is never private.

3.)    Don`t Type Your Message in ALL CAPS
Messages written in all capital letters are interpreted as shouting and come across as being rude. Always use upper and lowercase letters as you would in a traditional correspondence.

4.)  Keep It Short and Sweet as You can
Don’t constantly message your friend’s long lists of jokes or articles unless you know they would appreciate them.

5.)    Send Well Written Message

How Send First Message to a new Buddy
When you find your new friend id on Internet before sending a friend request sent a Message to her, this help your friend to know you well.
Your first message like this-

Dear ………..
You don't know me, but my name is …… I got your name and ID from (a mutual friend, a family member, teacher, etc.). I understand that you also have an interest in ……I live in ……. and I am a college student (writer, scientist, furniture maker, etc.). I am e-mailing you to ask you …………..

[Your real name and e-mail address]

Use of Abbreviation & Emotions
Use of Emotions in online conversation is important way to show yours feeling and mood. So it`s necessary you have some knowledge of these symbols and know the best use of them. The following are just a few of the commonly used abbreviations and emoticons, or smiles (symbols), used in e-mail and on-line conversations.
NOTE- Emoticons are fine for personal conversation, but inappropriate for business-related e-mail conversation.
Some conmanly used Abbreviations.Keep in mind the use of Abbreviations in Capital letters only.

Ask if you don’t understand what your friend wants to ask you
When someone makes a hidden request, be sure that you understand what he is asking you to do. Otherwise, you can say-
“You didn’t exactly ask me, but do you want me to…?
 This question will clarify the other person's hidden request, and then it's up to you to tell him to what extent you're willing to carry out his request. To avoid future misunderstandings that often result from hidden requests, you can say,
“Please, the next time you want me to do you a favor, just ask me directly then I'll tell you yes or no.”

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