10 Important Idioms and Phrases

Idioms and Phrases plays an important role to make your English language understanding better, but we know that memorising new Idioms is a vital task. So we are providing you Idioms and Phrases with tricks so that you never forget.
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Stare in the face: If something, say an answer or solution, is Staring you in the face, it is so obvious that you should have seen it long ago. The established batsmen of the Australian team were dismissed early. With a big target to defend and only the tail-endears defeat was staring the Australians in the face.

Set one's face against : If you set your face against something, you are determined to oppose it. The US has set its face against the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). It's Republican regime feels that nuclear development is essential for national security.

Face the music: Since I have gone for inter-caste marriage, I must face the music. That is, I must face the criticisms or unpleasant consequences of a decision I have taken. This music is not pleasant to one's cars. At the same time, this is something one is ready for. Leaders take decisions; they do not care for criticism. They face the music.

Fair and square: If you tell someone something fair and square, you say it clearly, honestly' and directly. The boss told us Pits and square that our pay hike would be proportional to the amount of labour we put in.
 If you hit something fair and square, you hit it directly, firmly and in the middle. You hit it bang on target. There is no uncertainty, no possibility of error. Almost every shot of golfer Tiger Woods is fair and square.

Play fast and loose: If you play fast and loose with someone, you change your attitude towards him repeatedly in an insincere way. You treat him lightly or casually. You behave with him unreliable and irresponsible. I told my friend, "Love her or leave her. If you play fast and loose with her, she will find it difficult to get a husband."

A feather in one's cap: If something is a feather in your cap, it is an achievement that you can be proud of Others admire you for the achievement. If you add another achievement to your string of accomplishments, you add a new feather to your cap. Sachin Tendulkar added a new feather to his cap when he scored 10,000 runs in one-dyers.

Feather one's nest: If you feather your nest, you make yourself richer or more comfortable, usually at someone Else's expenses. You make a lot of money over time, especially in a dishonest way. This manager is little concerned about the company; he is busy feathering his own nest.

Show the white feather: If someone shows the white leather, he runs away because he is scared. First, he made tall claims of being a mighty wrestler. But when he saw his formidable opponent before him, he showed the white feather.

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Play second fiddle: What is a fiddle? It is a violin. So one who plays second fiddle can only be an assistant violinist, not the main violinist. Idiomatically, if you play second fiddle to someone you are treated as less important than him. You have a less powerful position than him. Intellectuals have a problem with their ego; they are not ready to play second fiddle to anyone.

Find one's feet: If you find your feet, you start to feel confident in a new situation. You become able to act independently and confidently. Ramesh entered the school in Class IX while others had been there for years. So he felt quite shy in the beginning.  But in six months’ time, he found his feet.

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